Fi-Fi being Fi-Fi, she picked all the steepest paths and my legs got a thoroughly good workout trying to keep up with her as she bounded excitedly up the hill. To begin with I felt a little bad for not following through with my plan to go to the gym, but how could I really feel anything other than joy as I stood at the top of the hill, the sun shining down on me, warmth on my back. And really, walking up a hill is better training for me than sitting on a bike or rowing at the gym.
We walked on and came across some cows. Neither of us was entirely convinced that they wouldn't get spooked and charge at us (yes, you can call us wimps), so we took an alternative path just to be on the safe side. Of course, we were immediately confronted with another cow blocking our path, and just as I turned to Fi-Fi to ask which she thought was the least menacing, I spotted a wee calf clambering over the top of the slope, who was then joined by a second. There were many squeals of excitement (from me, obviously) and I managed to snap a quick photo of one of them, though I didn't get too close incase mummy cow got a bit overprotective and pushed me over the edge or something (yeah, ok, I'm a little scared of cows. So sue me).
Look! Baby cow!

Eventually we left the cows behind and continued onwards, finally returning to the car after an hour and a half of walking. It was an awesome way to finish off my day and I am hoping that the sunshine continues so that I can get some more walking done in the evenings. Flatmate and I are even considering getting up mega early some time and walking before work. I'm not sure how successful this will be, because I love my bed, but I'm willing to give it a go. I'd also like to do Snowdon at some point in the next couple of months.
My current good mood is about more than just the improving weather, though. I've got a lot in my life to be feeling positive about. I think I can speak for Katie too when I say that over the last four months, at times this challenge has felt overwhelming and we have both had some sleepless nights. For me, certainly, I switch from being stressed over the training to fundraising and back again. But fundraising-wise we are in a great position, with officially over £2000 raised (some yet to be added to our bmycharity tally) and lots of plans for future fundraising endeavours.
Our wine tasting evening last weekend went brilliantly and I have to say a HUGE thank you to Katie, Angela and everyone who came along to taste some wine and have a laugh. In fact, we couldn't have asked for a better result, and I even tasted a wine I liked (sadly at £30 a bottle I doubt I'll be drinking it again anytime in the near future - maybe we can treat ourselves and celebrate when we get back from Morocco, Katie?) I wish I had thought to take photos, but unfortunately I was so busy stressing about being a pourer and not dropping one of the bottles that the thought didn't even cross my mind. Next time, though.
And so, with the £2000 target met, I feel like my focus can switch back again to training. I had a good weekend in that respect too, with trips to the gym on Friday and Saturday, and a 5+ hour walk up to Cleeve Common on Sunday.
Our wine tasting evening last weekend went brilliantly and I have to say a HUGE thank you to Katie, Angela and everyone who came along to taste some wine and have a laugh. In fact, we couldn't have asked for a better result, and I even tasted a wine I liked (sadly at £30 a bottle I doubt I'll be drinking it again anytime in the near future - maybe we can treat ourselves and celebrate when we get back from Morocco, Katie?) I wish I had thought to take photos, but unfortunately I was so busy stressing about being a pourer and not dropping one of the bottles that the thought didn't even cross my mind. Next time, though.
And so, with the £2000 target met, I feel like my focus can switch back again to training. I had a good weekend in that respect too, with trips to the gym on Friday and Saturday, and a 5+ hour walk up to Cleeve Common on Sunday.
This is absolutely achievable, guys. It's going to be hard work, I know that, but I'm feeling motivated and positive and like I could take on the world at the moment. So please, keep sponsoring us and supporting us, because that's what keeps us going and gets to the gym after a long and exhausting day at work.
If you haven't sponsored us yet, but would like to, why not do it RIGHT NOW and follow this link... go on, go on, go on, go on, go on!