Sunday, 14 July 2013

the great escape

The countdown now reads 61 days to go. It feels like only a couple of weeks ago when Katie called me up and convinced me to do this trip, so my mind is a little blown by the fact that we have mere weeks left til D Day.

Just before I went away, I started to pull together all the stuff I needed from the kit list supplied. So far I have purchased my walking boots (bought in January and thoroughly worn in), my waterproof jacket and my main rucksack. As for the rest of the equipment I need, I'm planning to try to beg, steal or borrow as much as possible. I'd really appreciate it if you could take a look at the list here and let me know if there is anything you can help with.

I'm particularly keen to borrow the following: 
  • walking poles 
  • day rucksack 
  • head torch 
Training is of course the main focus for both of us at the moment. I am trying my best to remain upbeat, but it isn't always easy and I have my moments of panic. I felt pretty bad going away for 10 days and not going to the gym or doing any proper training, but we walked pretty much everywhere so I still managed to put a lot of miles in. It was an absolutely beautiful holiday, I never wanted it to end. 

Hill walking in Munich: 

Last weekend I got back into proper training mode and went to Chepstow with my flatmate where we walked the Offa's Dyke trail. It was a pretty tough walk, with numerous steep inclines and even some boulders to negotiate. It was perfect for training really. 

boulders we climbed over...

Look at the view from the top! So worth it.

On Monday I checked in with Tom, the PT who has been helping me. We went through all the exercises, made a few adjustments and I went back on Thursday for another go. I'm feeling good for the most part, though I've had a couple of small, niggling injuries. I did another walk today (only 6 miles, but my God was it hot) and at one point I did have to stop walking completely because I felt a strain in my foot, but after a few minutes rest it eased up and I feel better now. I think perhaps I should have worn my walking boots rather than my converse, but it was so hot I couldn't face walking around in them all afternoon. I have however learned my lesson and will be more sensible next time.

Now is the time to step things up another gear and start to ensure I put in some form of exercise every day. There just seems to be so much happening that training takes a back seat and I can't keep allowing that to happen. From this point on, exercise has to take precedence over everything. I have a lot of weekend commitments coming up over the next couple of months, but this is key training time for me so I'm going to have to start saying no. I made my first big sacrifice last week when I made the decision that I will be skipping Brighton Pride this year. That sort of breaks my heart, but there is always next year and I can use that weekend for some vital training time.

Fundraising has taken a back seat over the last few weeks. Of course, with our minimum target met there is a certain amount of relief that we've made it. And I can't thank you all enough for the support in raising so much. But we really want to raise more, and you will notice in the sidebar that we've now raised our target to £4000. A lot of people have told me that they plan to sponsor us but just haven't got round to it yet. Please, please, please, take a couple of minutes to visit our fundraising page and donate a few pennies.

Both of us appreciate your support more than I can say. The going can get pretty tough at times, but we have so many people in our corner, supporting us, motivating us and giving us the push we need to keep on going.

On a brief side note, the wonderful families of the JHT kids have organised their annual Summer Fete which takes place at our premises, Kites Corner, next Sunday 21st July from 1-4pm. Please do come along if you can. Find out more here.