So here is
the story of my first Walowitz moment. On Friday, Ms Motivator and I created
our fundraising page. Seeing on the screen just how much money we have to raise
was absolutely terrifying. Minimum sponsorship between the two of us is £3100
and it hadn't quite hit me before what a daunting target that was. Reality gave
me a bit of a kicking at that point and I started to panic. Can we really raise
that much money?
I was
cheered today when we had our first donation. Admittedly it was from my
parents, but I was very excited and hugely grateful that they had started us on
our way. We have a few ideas for fundraising events and my bosses have given
their permission for us to fundraise at work so we will be organising some competitions
between our buildings (Ms Motivator works in the building on the opposite side
of the road to me) and we are already getting pretty competitive about it.
I guess this
is the point at which I should link you to our page. You can find us (and
donate, should you feel the urge!) here. Alternatively,
if you have any suggestions for anything else we can do to raise some money,
please get in touch, because we have one hell of a challenge ahead of us and
this will only work with your support and involvement.
continues, though life has this annoying habit of getting in the way. Obviously
on Friday a trip to the pub after work was far more appealing than the gym, and
on Saturday morning I woke with a hangover. I did however make it to the gym
this morning and I had a really good workout which left me feeling pretty good.
Unfortunately I won't be going back until Wednesday evening, because on Tuesday
I am staying on at work to help with the internal office move. But I figure
that hulking around a bunch of computers can count as a workout, so I won't
beat myself up too much for not going for a few days.
Last night I
was chatting with some friends and my training seemed to be christened
'Operation Let's Not Die On A Mountain'. Sounds about right, no?