It seems like only yesterday I wrote this post about my fear of needles and shared with you the many embarrassing tales of freak-outs and 'incidents' that litter my past. This morning the moment I have been avoiding for almost 8 months arrived and with a little bit of 'mothering' I finally stopped procrastinating and booked an appointment to have my 'urghs' (Hep A and Typhoid).
My appointment is next Wednesday evening, and there will be no getting out of it unless my boss tells me I can't leave the office early (please, please, please...). Unfortunately, my partner is more terrified of needles than me (hence referring to them as 'urghs'; you can't utter the word in her presence), and while she has very sweetly said she will drive me to my appointment (I wasn't even expecting that...), she can't come in with me to hold my hand. I am therefore hoping that Ms Motivator will be able to come with me, as we are due to go on to the travel clinic just afterwards to talk about altitude sickness and other such exciting things. And, well, last time I had an injection I had to be physically pushed into the room. Ahem.
We leave for Morocco a month tomorrow. Look to the countdown in the sidebar, it's a frighteningly low number. Training is going alright, on Saturday Jo and I covered about 15 miles and last night we did a tiny, tiny, less than 2 mile walk up a hill. Even if I only cover small distances, my aim is to keep doing exercise on consecutive days. As ever, life keeps getting in the way, but any training I do now is something, at least.
Fundraising is looking healthy. Current total as I type is £3620. Katie and I would really appreciate it if you would help get that figure to £4000.
While talking to some colleagues at lunch the other day, we had a genius fundraising idea. Sadly I don't think it's something we could organise in the few short weeks left until the trek, and I'm not sure even my 'charm' and sweet-talking skills could have made it happen. Basically, my plan was to get senior members of staff to agree to let people pay £1 to throw wet sponges at them. After all, who wouldn't want to throw a sponge at a director?
Unfortunately, the directors weren't too keen on my plan and I had firm 'no's' from the Chair, Deputy Clinical Chair, Governance Manager and Engagement bod. Personally, I think this is very short-sighted of them, as a sure way to win the respect of your team would be to join in the fun for a good cause. But oh well. I probably won't give up on the idea and will try to get something going for after the trek. Two people have said they will do it, but they aren't quite senior enough. I'm aiming high, I want a director!
A few days ago I told you I was feeling cautiously optimistic. Today I would describe as 'determined'. Once I set my mind to something, I do not fail. A couple of weeks ago, someone in a meeting described me (jokingly), as a Rottweiler. My aim for the next month is to keep that in my mind, remember that I never fail, and just keep swimming (or, uh, walking).
I'm going to keep on writing as regularly as possible for the next few weeks, giving you updates and keeping this trek in your mind, in the hope that it inspires you to put your hands in your pockets to donate.
The two blondes fundraising page can be found here. Spread the word!
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