Tuesday 15 January 2013

scared out of my shoes

Training continues. There will be plenty more updates and news on that score soon, including an exciting introduction from Ms Motivator herself (when she can be motivated enough to write something...)

In the mean time, this.
I nearly backed out today, when I was told by our very own Ms Motivator that going to Morocco would involve vaccinations for Hep B. I am terrified of needles and there are many amusing anecdotes I could share about previous experiences with jabs.
It all started when I was 4 years old and I apparently kicked a doctor when he tried to give me an injection. At that point he of course lost his grip on me and I was chased around the surgery, before eventually being caught by my mother who held me down while the deed was done. You can forgive a 4 year old that though, right? I didn't know any better.
How about the time when I was 22 and for various reasons I had to have a flu jab. The minute the nurse picked up the needle, my well trained fight or flight instinct kicked in and I ran out of the room (my mother, who had pretty much marched me there, attempted to throw herself in front of me to prevent my escape, but to no avail - it was a bit of a déjà vu moment for her, poor thing), high-tailing it past a queue of waiting pensioners and out the front door. I was eventually caught in the car park, which is where they sat me down and jabbed me with the needle. Let's just say that when I returned the following winter for my jab, the nurse still remembered the incident with amusement.
Of course, I am a proper 'grown up' now, 28 years old and far beyond any silly behaviour like that, right? Don't be so sure. I work for the NHS, and just before Christmas I was forced into having yet another flu jab.  I was obviously reluctant, but thanks to a bossy Director and my so-called friends, I was dragged down to the hub pretty much kicking and screaming. A colleague knew just how to get me to go through with it, by telling me it was the 'socially responsible thing to do'. What a bitch. In the end, I was literally pushed into the room by two of my dear friends, KY and AD2, who held my hand and stopped me from running away this time. However, I had made such a fuss about being jabbed, that when I walked out of the room afterwards the rest of my colleagues who were still queuing for their turn applauded and laughed at me. A lot. In fairness, I got through the winter without so much as a cold, but I'm still bitter about it.  
So, you can imagine how I took the news from Ms Motivator today that I was going to have to have Hep B injections. Three of them apparently, over a six month period. THREE!! It's not the training or the fundraising that could bring this trek plan tumbling to the ground, it's getting me through the door of the doctor's surgery for an injection on three occasions.
Watch out Dr Weiss, I've got a far fiercer kick on me than I did when I was 4, and I know just where to aim it.

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