Thursday 7 March 2013

we may need to change the title of this blog...

For once I find myself somewhat lost for words and unsure of what to say. Since my post the other day in which I shared my plans to dye my hair blonde/pink/blue, there has been a development.

It is my birthday today and I'm about to head to London to see one of my favourite bands (Sigur Ros), so I will keep this short and explain more soon.

I have been offered an incredibly generous donation for dying my hair a colour that doesn't appear on the original list. It is such a generous amount of money that there is absolutely no way I cannot do it. Even my father is on board here people.

It will happen in the next week or so, there will be no time wasted. I'm not going to lie, I'm nervous. I don't really consider myself to be a vain person, but this is a pretty big ask and so I am asking, please, please, please, if you would consider donating some pennies to sponsor me for dying my hair...

I'm going ginger, baby!



    You know, gingers really are THE BEST.

    1. hehe i thought you might say that! we'll have to arrange another OD skype so you can all share in the hilarity!

  2. YESSSSS! You're joining the faux ginger club! :D

  3. You're so lucky to be blonde. Dye will actually take on your hair. Mine? Barely tinged red. Sigh. Anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAYYYY GINGER!!!!

    1. Aye, not so sure it will be easy to get it back to blonde afterwards though! EEEEEEEEEEEEK.
